Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why Me? Why Now?

I think Lucy is giving up napping!!!!!! :( Why now?!?!?!?!?! She will stay in her bed and talk to herself and her animals for at least an hour but she doesn't go to sleep. I need a nap!!!!! To her credit, she has been very happy this afternoon despite her no nap. She even entertained herself for quite a long time while I paid bills and balanced the checkbook.

She has actually been entertaining herself a lot lately, thank goodness! She will sit and read or play with toys on her own. Well, I use the term read loosely. Here is a video of her "reading":

The book is called "Blue Hat Green Hat" (at least I think that is the title) by Sandra Boyton. In the book a bunch of animals wearing different colored items of clothing and the turkey wears them all wrong so it says oops. It is very cute! Right before Dave got the camera she had recited the whole book, pretty much correctly. I have found her doing things like that a lot in the last couple of weeks. I will notice that she is reciting a book to herself or telling her animals a nursery rhyme or song. She does "itsy bitsy spider" for her baby doll a lot. That must be some kind of developmental milestone right?

Baby Brother's room is pretty much ready now. He is welcome any day, hint hint to him!!!!!!! We moved the crib on Sunday. Lucy was totally cool with especially because Daddy let her help him with it. It is now one of her favorite games to get in the crib and read a book or play. I took a video of the fun game she and Daddy made up.

We went to the midwife today and have nothing to report. We are just waiting now. It was a nice visit though because we saw Jackie the midwife who delivered Lucy. She is one of our favorites, and she gave us a copy of the February on call schedule. Jackie said "try for one my days." :) I am glad she gave me the schedule because there is one midwife that I really don't like; not that I will be able to do anything about it, but it felt comforting to me to know who I will be calling when the time comes. It was also nice to be with Jackie and talk about Lucy's birth because she was there too. The other midwives can just read my chart and ask me questions, but I don't remember parts. I feel very reassured after today's visit.

Time to go make dinner, pout about my lack of nap, and wait around for Brother to make his grand entrance. And just for my own fun, we have decided on a name but we aren't telling!!! hehehehe :p

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