The biggest Lucy update is that she peed in the potty tonight before her bath!!!!!!!! This is the first time that she has actually gone in the potty. Scary and cool!
This is from last night when she and Daddy were outside playing. Dave didn't think she wanted to go out so he didn't bother with her snowsuit, she was wearing really thin, legging type pants. Well, she decided once she was out she wanted to play. She was yelling for me to come take her picture while she went down the slide. When I got there she was shivering and saying "picture picture". I quickly took her picture and took her inside. We snuggled under a blanket and Dave made us hot cocoa.
Lucy is over her fear of stickers and tape. I got mailing labels in the mail today and she really liked them.
Tonight's project was to go through the bin of Lucy's newborn size clothes to see what wasn't pink and girly. I found even more than I expected to. Lucy really likes to try on the baby hats, some of them actually fit her because she is a midget. Her baby coat, however, did not fit.(Well neither did this particular hat.) Kim gave her this coat when she was born and she wore it for the first month or two whenever we walked to the office. At first she swam in it, and now look.
A side note to this picture: she put the coat on correctly by herself. Months ago my Mom tried to teach her how to put the coat upside down in front of you and put your arms in then flip it over your head. Grandma told her this was Aunt Gina's special way (Aunt Gina works at a day care). Since Lucy idolizes Aunt Gina (I think it has something to do with the beautiful bride/princess thing :) ) I have shown Lucy this coat trick a couple of other times and told her it was the special Aunt Gina way of doing it. Well, it took!
This picture is just really cute! The thing on her throat is one of her mailing label stickers that she wouldn't take off.
Lucy has been sleeping in her big girl bed for about two weeks now, without any regression to the crib. Tomorrow night we are going to let her "help" us take it down and put it up in Brother's room. Cross your fingers for us that she doesn't freak out!
What else? She can count to 10, mostly. She usually starts at 4 and sometimes forgets 6. If she starts at 1 she usually skips either 2 or 3. She knows how to use the camera on cell phones. She loves money, well that isn't new. The other day she asked me if Molly and Haley could come over. I don't think both of them have ever been here at the same time before but I guess it is a good idea for the future. She helps cook, clean up and do laundry. She will willingly go not only with Oma, or Grandma but now with Jenny, Kim and Linda. I am sure she would go with any of her other aunties too. (I am so lucky to be here with all of this family near by!!!!!!!) I just remembered that a few times lately I have heard reciting a rhyme that Granny odes with her, it is in Dutch so I have no idea what she is saying or if she is saying it right but it is very cute! She does other rhymes with her dolls and animals too, like itsy bitsy spider and patty cake. She loves Winnie the Pooh.
I can't think of any more specifics right now. She is such a person now! You can actually have a conversation with her. Lucy is great! I am getting anxious to meet her baby brother. I can't wait to find out what he is like and what she will be like with him!
We are all anxious to meet Lucy's little brother too! One more little one to love!! G
Oooh, a party. Molly would love to come over and play!!! She sends Lucy some hugs and kisses.
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