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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not a Priority

So, I called the hospital at 6am today and they said "things are hectic now, we will call you in a few hours." At 8:30 they called and told me to come in for a nonstress test and lab work. So we went in and everything is perfect and normal. :/ Yeah, and boo! I am glad that my blood pressure is fine, the baby is active and looking great and he still has lots of amniotic fluid but that meant that I got bumped and sent home. If things quiet down this afternoon they will call me in but probably I will be calling them at 6am tomorrow to do this whole thing over again. It is looking like I will be lucky to go tomorrow, but I may still be waiting this weekend (because they of course don't do inductions on the weekend so I would have to wait until Monday). Wish me luck for tomorrow!

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