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Friday, March 14, 2008

Growing Up

I haven't had the time yet to give to Lucy's newest development, but I think I can write a bit now. Lucy is weaned!!!! She hasn't had milky (what we called breastfeeding) in 10 days! Last Thursday in the middle of the afternoon she was being a bit cranky and I realized she hadn't nursed all day so I asked her if she wanted to have milky. She turned her back on me and crawled away! I couldn't believe it; not that she turned her back on me and crawled away she does that all the time when I ask her to do something and she doesn't want to do. :) After that I didn't ask her and she hasn't asked me (she would ask by doing this certain whiny thing).

I nursed Lucy for 11 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days. It's kind of weird to be done with it. I am very proud that we nursed for that long, but more, I am very proud of how smoothly weaning went. My emotions are a bit mixed on how I feel though really. Mostly I am glad to be done, but a part of me is sad too. Lucy doesn't physically need me anymore. After trying for so long to conceive her and all of the physical hardships that went with that, and then carrying her for nine months, going through 23 (LONG) hours of labor, and then nursing her for a year, I am really relieved to have my body back. But, she doesn't need me anymore, she is growing up and making her first steps toward independence already. But, back on the plus side, I can celebrate, and console myself, with some wine! :)

Now if I could just get Molly to teach Lucy how to sleep I would have it made!

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