First we went to Granny's house. Lucy was a little scared of Granny in the dark with the hat on. Once the lights were on and she was sure it was Granny she was fine.
A picture if me in my costume. I wore Granny's hat for most the of the night because my horns fell off. I was just too good for them. ;)
Daddy even got into the Halloween spirit and wore Granny's hat for a bit.
Next we went to Oma and Grandpa's house.
Then to the Hansen's. Aunt Linda gave Lucy a Magna Doodle which she loves! She likes to scribble something, or have you scribble something, then slide the thing across to erase it. You can't see Lucy's face in this picture but that is kind of why i like it. her hat was a bit big for her so most of the night you couldn't see her face and when she looked up it would fall off.
Lucy thought the girls were sooo funny. She kept fake laughing at them to make them laugh.
Next we were on to Ganny and Poppa's house. Lucy kindly let Ganny try on her hat.
Then she made both of them play matchbox cars with her. Here is a picture of her playing with Poppa.
Last we stopped around the corner from our house to visit Ganny's friend Harriet and Harriet's daughter Darlene. I forgot to take my camera in there. :( Lucy finally said "trick-or-treat" to Harriet and Darlene. All night she would say it over and over int he car but stay mum when we got to someone's house. I couldn't even get her to say it on camera. :( She was saying "Happy ween" too!
Once we got home we all changed into jammies and hung out for a little bit to let Lucy unwind before bed. Once she went to bed she went right to sleep and I fell asleep while Dave was putting her to bed. Trick-or-treating is hard work!
Today Dave had to work so Lucy and I invited ourselves along to a craft fair with the Aunties. It was a really good fair too! They had a combination of antiques and crafts. I got this hideously awesome turkey platter for Dave.
It sure is something isn't it?!?!? I am actually excited to take down the Halloween decorations so that I can find a prominent spot to display that thing! I am really enjoying Dave's attraction to really ugly fowl decorations, so much so that he has cut me off from buying him any more unless they are really really ugly, like this tray. :)
I think the rest of tonight and tomorrow will be spent chilling at home and maybe grocery shopping.
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