BOY!!! We had the ultrasound today and everything looked good. The baby is a big, healthy boy! Average weight at this point is about 8 and a half ounces, this baby is 10 ounces already and my uterus is measuring big too. Yikes! In utero, Lucy was always a bit on the small side but she was 8lbs 2ozs at birth. So if this baby is measuring on the big side now... I'll just say yikes again! :) On the good for me side, my siactica is better than it was and I have only gained 6lbs so far (normal at this point is 10lbs or more)! Here is a much awaited belly shot:

I had to post this one too because it demonstrates my life. I try to do something only to spend my time trying to get Lucy to stop chasing Mae. Soon Little Brother will be chasing Lucy who will be chasing Mae! :)
I taught Lucy a new word this afternoon for the occasion.
I don't know why the begining of this post is written so huge, I tried to make it normal size. Sorry!
Yay!! Boys are great :)
Congratulation with your BOY
2.22 ith is my birthday
ome Luutsen and Annie
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