new shoes, dress fitting, new words, and yard work. That is what we have been up to. Lucy and I met my mom at the outlet mall on Wednesday and we all got new shoes and lots of new clothes.

This is one of her new outfits and her new shoes. Her shoe size went up a size and a half, poor kid, I've been shoving her old, too small, shoes on her for a couple of weeks. I didn't think they were that small! I got a whole bag of new maternity clothes too, thanks mom and dad!
Dave had a cold last week that Lucy and I came down with early this week. Mostly it is just a stuffy nose and she is over it already. I am still not 100%, maybe I need more naps! :)
Yesterday I went to have my bridesmaid dress fitted for my brother's wedding. Not fun. :( Well, I am sure looking back on it, it will be funny. I have to have it hemmed of course, and the straps are being shortened a little. The big thing is the belly area of the dress, big surprise huh? They are going to take the fabric that they are cutting off of the bottom of the dress and use it to make a panel in the belly area so that the dress will zip in back. I will make sure to post pictures after the wedding.
After the windy storm we had on Monday we had tons of leaves and small branches all over the yard so Lucy and I worked on cleaning that up. Then we started doing some of the fall, stuff to our flower gardens. We have lots more of that to do, but it supposed to be a really nice day today so hopefully we can get to some more of it.
Last on my list is Lucy's new words. She has lots of them, but the funniest one is "
clup" which means clean up she thinks it is one word! It is so funny!!! I got it on this video.
She also says "
puter" all the time, which means, of course, computer. I made the mistake of finding a game for her to play online and now she wants to play it all the time. It is on the
Fisher Price website. There are bunch of games where she can press any key and stuff happens on the screen. Oh, her other related new word is bookmark, because I told her I was going to bookmark that site for her! She is also addicted to the computer now because Jenny at the office goes to
Nick Jr and plays episodes of Blue's Clues for her. She loves it especially since we don't really let her watch TV. Okay I admit to using TV when we are traveling. While we were on vacation Dave discovered that she thinks Tom and Jerry is
hilarious. :)
I almost forgot, we have the craft almost empty and we bought paint. Soon we will have a nursery! I bought a light blue color, and I am planning on adding either pink and purple decorations or more shades of blue
when we find out on the 30
th. Aunt Grace is going to teach me to do rug hooking and I am going to make a nice rug for in there too.
I think that is everything. Kim has been ragging on me to start a
Facebook profile so I am going to try to do that soon. I will let you know if I accomplish it or not. Right now we are going to go work in the