After reading Julie's Yard Dirt column, I got inspired to get my butt out of the house and actually do some of the things I have been thinking about! My Mother's Day present is that we are finally going to fix up our yard. It is a pretty depressing place right now and since Lucy and I have started hanging out there so much I thought it would be nice to weed a bit (a.k.a. a lot) and plant some flowers. I got started on it today because it was so nice out.
As you can see from the above picture, we took take of the tulips today. The tulips were about to be swallowed up by dandelions so I weeded and then mulched them. I think I heard them sigh with relief when I was done. After dinner Dave helped me take care of the hill, which we have never gotten around to doing up the way we had planned. We have black plastic down now to kill off everything except the two ornamental grasses. Anybody know how long we should leave the plastic down for?
I thought I would post some other cute pictures that I have acquired over the last week.
A picture of Mommy and Lucy for a change. I tend to be the family photographer so we don't have a lot of pictures of me.
Lucy trying on the wooden shoes Granny brought her. She palyed with them for quite awhile that day.
On Saturday we discovered that Aunt Gina is the baby whisperer. Lucy climbed up on the couch with her and within five minutes Gina had her asleep! In case you don't realize how amazing that is, that is only the second time ever that Lucy has gone to sleep willing while other stuff was going on. (The other time was with Uncle Brian when she was about 4 or 5 months old.)
I think this picture is so cute! I can't remember what she was hollering about, she probably wanted the camera. This is Lucy's super cute cranky pants face. :)
1 comment:
What a lovely Lucy-flower you've grown!:)
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