The day started off with Dave and I having terrible hangovers. On the plus side we had a great time at the Fireman's Banquet last night, on the negative side Lucy's screeching was a bit (to put it mildly) hard to handle. :) Fortunately Dave was feeling a bit better than I was so he took care of Lucy this morning until I was capable of leaving my zombie state. He was even nice enough to take Lucy out the house for a while! Isn't he the sweetest husband for taking care of his wife when it was her own stupidity that caused her zombie-like state?! :)
This morning a sad event occurred at our house (besides my hangover), we had to flush a fish. :( All three lasted almost a month, much longer than Dave thought they would. Today orangey died. He had been looking rough for almost a week. He had a sore or something on his side, and since the other two fish seem fine I don't think it was anything I did wrong. When I go to the pet store to buy a replacement I will ask them though.
In other news, we turned Lucy's car seat around today!!!! I have been waiting anxiously for this day to come, she finally weighs enough (20 lbs according tot he bathroom scale)!!! I was pretty disappointed in her response though, she didn't seem to care at all. I thought she would be excited to be able to see out of the windows, but she wasn't. :( We can finally recline the front seats now, with the car seat facing backwards it was too close to lean the seats at all.
Lately we have had a small herd of deer visiting our yard, well just beyond our back fence. They don't mind Mae at all, surprisingly, and it doesn't bother them if we walk up t
There is some "evidence" that they have been in our yard too. It is weird because we are right in the middle of the village. It reminds what a small village this is. :)
What last thing I can remember that I wanted to write about. Lucy has been a bit moody for the last week and today I found out why. She is finally getting some more bottom teeth. I saw one tooth that is almost through. Lucy likes to eat pretty much everything but there are a few things I won't give her because she doesn't have enough teeth, so I am glad to see her getting some more. I was starting to worry a bit because the baby books all show what order the teeth are supposed to come in but hers were not following along. Seems like everything is fine though, but if they hadn't started soon I was going to take her to the dentist. Lucy was just doing things her own way, as usual. :)
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