It has been really warm here, so I dragged my hammock out of the shed and I have been lounging on it ever since. I wish!
We've been busy as usual. We spent the weekend at my parent's house (it was my birthday on Saturday). We haven't been away overnight anywhere in a long time, I think our last overnight trip was to see Molly when she was born! Needless to say it was a long overdue trip, and it didn't go well. :( Actually, just the first night was bad. Being somewhere different did not lend itself well to Lucy sleeping. She didn't sleep at at all actually. We were awake almost all of Friday night, at about three we tried something I didn't think I would do for a few years yet, we turned the TV on and tried to get Lucy to watch it. Bad parenting I know but I was desperate!!!!! Of course since she is only 1 her attention span is only about three seconds long so it didn't work anyway. (I've figured out that Lucy's attention span might actually be shorter than our new goldfish's memories.)
Anyway, after many cups of coffee, Saturday was a nice day. We went out to lunch and then took Lucy to the park.
Sunday we came home and Lucy took her first dip in the hot tub for this year. It was about 80 out, so they turned the hot tub down to 94, just like bath water. Lucy splashed and then slept soundly that night!
So we have been playing outside lots and generally trying to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. It is only April 22 and we are in upstate NY which means it will probably snow again! :)
Today we went shopping to buy some summer clothes. Lucy got a few summery things for her birthday but she didn't have any shorts and she needed a few more t-shirts. I also bought her her first pair of real shoes! We went to Stride-Rite so that she could be properly fitted and so that I could shell out big bucks for little itty bitty shoes! Good shoes are worth good money, I keep reminding myself. Anyway, here's a picture:
Aren't they cute! Unfortunately, Lucy is such a midget that I only had two styles to pick from that came in her size! She is a two and a half! (That is really really little!!!) Oh well, I think these ones are pretty cool.
The big thing that happened since I last posted is that Dave bought me a new bike for my birthday and today Jim and Evie gave me a trailer for it so I can tow Lucy around! I am so excited!!!! Tomorrow I am going to put the trailer together (I am too tired tonight and Dave is gone on a fire call) and cruise around town! Right now though, I am going to take some allergy medicine and go chill on the couch where I will probably fall asleep until Dave gets home and wakes me up. :)
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