I just got home from pottery and I am wishing I could find more time for it. There are so many things I would like to make and techniques I would like to try. Oh well, I'll love it when I can.
Today Lucy and I went for a bike ride with our new bike and trailer. I am having fun, I'm not sure yet if she is. It seems like it is a bumpier ride than in the stroller. She hasn't cried or growled, her way of saying "stop it", but she hasn't been laughing either. I can certainly use the exercise so we will keep at it.
What else is new? we have playing outside lots. Lucy got a sandbox from one of the girls at the office whose daughter had out grown it. We are having lots of fun with that.
Lucy is talking lots, some of it we can actually understand. All dogs are named Beau, and all things feel cold. Some of the time she calls Mae by the right name and she would say "Ab" when we corrected her about my brother's dog this weekend. She has finally started using a few signs too. She does "more' and "all done". She has even started using those signs for things other than food. :) She used her sign and said more to Kim today to get her to play more! She is trying very hard to use words, I am so proud of her!
She is doing lots of funny stuff now. She likes to rub her head on Daddy's goatee. Kim was tickling Lucy's face with Beau's ear, and Lucy would giggle and giggle, very cute! She can now go down stairs, that one surprised me. Last week Oma said "she is so good at going down the stairs" and I said "What?! she go down stairs?! Without cracking her head open?" :) I guess that just because I am a stay-at-home-mom doesn't mean that I am the first to know everything.
I find myself taking videos of her constantly lately because she is doing so many new things. I will try to get some videos uploaded tomorrow. I did pictures today, check them out.
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