I finally updated My videos! I think there are 10 new videos up.
Last night we went shopping and replaced the deceased fish. :) On Kim's recommendation we also medicated the tank, I hope it fixes it! Flushing fish isn't my favorite thing to do. While we were out we bought Lucy some new toys. She didn't have much to play with outside, so we got a water/sand wheel (with a funnel and wheels that spin around as the water or sand goes through), a bubble blowing lawn mower (!!!), her very own plastic lawn chair, and a popcorn popper (the thing you push around and the balls pop around inside). We have been playing with the popper, Dave thinks it might trick her into walking! Of course the weather has turned cold, a high only in the 40s today, so we can't play much with our other new stuff. :( I haven't put the mower together yet anyway. ;)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
What a Day
Lucy was very moody today. She went from screeching at the highest pitch and loudest volume humanly possible to this lovey girl:
The day started off with Dave and I having terrible hangovers. On the plus side we had a great time at the Fireman's Banquet last night, on the negative side Lucy's screeching was a bit (to put it mildly) hard to handle. :) Fortunately Dave was feeling a bit better than I was so he took care of Lucy this morning until I was capable of leaving my zombie state. He was even nice enough to take Lucy out the house for a while! Isn't he the sweetest husband for taking care of his wife when it was her own stupidity that caused her zombie-like state?! :)
This morning a sad event occurred at our house (besides my hangover), we had to flush a fish. :( All three lasted almost a month, much longer than Dave thought they would. Today orangey died. He had been looking rough for almost a week. He had a sore or something on his side, and since the other two fish seem fine I don't think it was anything I did wrong. When I go to the pet store to buy a replacement I will ask them though.
In other news, we turned Lucy's car seat around today!!!! I have been waiting anxiously for this day to come, she finally weighs enough (20 lbs according tot he bathroom scale)!!! I was pretty disappointed in her response though, she didn't seem to care at all. I thought she would be excited to be able to see out of the windows, but she wasn't. :( We can finally recline the front seats now, with the car seat facing backwards it was too close to lean the seats at all.
Lately we have had a small herd of deer visiting our yard, well just beyond our back fence. They don't mind Mae at all, surprisingly, and it doesn't bother them if we walk up t
o the fence. Dave took a couple of pictures this morning.

There is some "evidence" that they have been in our yard too. It is weird because we are right in the middle of the village. It reminds what a small village this is. :)
What last thing I can remember that I wanted to write about. Lucy has been a bit moody for the last week and today I found out why. She is finally getting some more bottom teeth. I saw one tooth that is almost through. Lucy likes to eat pretty much everything but there are a few things I won't give her because she doesn't have enough teeth, so I am glad to see her getting some more. I was starting to worry a bit because the baby books all show what order the teeth are supposed to come in but hers were not following along. Seems like everything is fine though, but if they hadn't started soon I was going to take her to the dentist. Lucy was just doing things her own way, as usual. :)
The day started off with Dave and I having terrible hangovers. On the plus side we had a great time at the Fireman's Banquet last night, on the negative side Lucy's screeching was a bit (to put it mildly) hard to handle. :) Fortunately Dave was feeling a bit better than I was so he took care of Lucy this morning until I was capable of leaving my zombie state. He was even nice enough to take Lucy out the house for a while! Isn't he the sweetest husband for taking care of his wife when it was her own stupidity that caused her zombie-like state?! :)
This morning a sad event occurred at our house (besides my hangover), we had to flush a fish. :( All three lasted almost a month, much longer than Dave thought they would. Today orangey died. He had been looking rough for almost a week. He had a sore or something on his side, and since the other two fish seem fine I don't think it was anything I did wrong. When I go to the pet store to buy a replacement I will ask them though.
In other news, we turned Lucy's car seat around today!!!! I have been waiting anxiously for this day to come, she finally weighs enough (20 lbs according tot he bathroom scale)!!! I was pretty disappointed in her response though, she didn't seem to care at all. I thought she would be excited to be able to see out of the windows, but she wasn't. :( We can finally recline the front seats now, with the car seat facing backwards it was too close to lean the seats at all.
Lately we have had a small herd of deer visiting our yard, well just beyond our back fence. They don't mind Mae at all, surprisingly, and it doesn't bother them if we walk up t
There is some "evidence" that they have been in our yard too. It is weird because we are right in the middle of the village. It reminds what a small village this is. :)
What last thing I can remember that I wanted to write about. Lucy has been a bit moody for the last week and today I found out why. She is finally getting some more bottom teeth. I saw one tooth that is almost through. Lucy likes to eat pretty much everything but there are a few things I won't give her because she doesn't have enough teeth, so I am glad to see her getting some more. I was starting to worry a bit because the baby books all show what order the teeth are supposed to come in but hers were not following along. Seems like everything is fine though, but if they hadn't started soon I was going to take her to the dentist. Lucy was just doing things her own way, as usual. :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
If only....
there were more days in a week (weekend days of course), more hours in a day (for sleeping of course), more money in a paycheck (to spend not on bills of course)...
I just got home from pottery and I am wishing I could find more time for it. There are so many things I would like to make and techniques I would like to try. Oh well, I'll love it when I can.
Today Lucy and I went for a bike ride with our new bike and trailer. I am having fun, I'm not sure yet if she is. It seems like it is a bumpier ride than in the stroller. She hasn't cried or growled, her way of saying "stop it", but she hasn't been laughing either. I can certainly use the exercise so we will keep at it.
What else is new? we have playing outside lots. Lucy got a sandbox from one of the girls at the office whose daughter had out grown it. We are having lots of fun with that.

Lucy is talking lots, some of it we can actually understand. All dogs are named Beau, and all things feel cold. Some of the time she calls Mae by the right name and she would say "Ab" when we corrected her about my brother's dog this weekend. She has finally started using a few signs too. She does "more' and "all done". She has even started using those signs for things other than food. :) She used her sign and said more to Kim today to get her to play more! She is trying very hard to use words, I am so proud of her!
She is doing lots of funny stuff now. She likes to rub her head on Daddy's goatee. Kim was tickling Lucy's face with Beau's ear, and Lucy would giggle and giggle, very cute! She can now go down stairs, that one surprised me. Last week Oma said "she is so good at going down the stairs" and I said "What?! she go down stairs?! Without cracking her head open?" :) I guess that just because I am a stay-at-home-mom doesn't mean that I am the first to know everything.
I find myself taking videos of her constantly lately because she is doing so many new things. I will try to get some videos uploaded tomorrow. I did pictures today, check them out.
I just got home from pottery and I am wishing I could find more time for it. There are so many things I would like to make and techniques I would like to try. Oh well, I'll love it when I can.
Today Lucy and I went for a bike ride with our new bike and trailer. I am having fun, I'm not sure yet if she is. It seems like it is a bumpier ride than in the stroller. She hasn't cried or growled, her way of saying "stop it", but she hasn't been laughing either. I can certainly use the exercise so we will keep at it.
What else is new? we have playing outside lots. Lucy got a sandbox from one of the girls at the office whose daughter had out grown it. We are having lots of fun with that.
Lucy is talking lots, some of it we can actually understand. All dogs are named Beau, and all things feel cold. Some of the time she calls Mae by the right name and she would say "Ab" when we corrected her about my brother's dog this weekend. She has finally started using a few signs too. She does "more' and "all done". She has even started using those signs for things other than food. :) She used her sign and said more to Kim today to get her to play more! She is trying very hard to use words, I am so proud of her!
She is doing lots of funny stuff now. She likes to rub her head on Daddy's goatee. Kim was tickling Lucy's face with Beau's ear, and Lucy would giggle and giggle, very cute! She can now go down stairs, that one surprised me. Last week Oma said "she is so good at going down the stairs" and I said "What?! she go down stairs?! Without cracking her head open?" :) I guess that just because I am a stay-at-home-mom doesn't mean that I am the first to know everything.
I find myself taking videos of her constantly lately because she is doing so many new things. I will try to get some videos uploaded tomorrow. I did pictures today, check them out.
Lucy and Abby
Abby is still a puppy with all of that puppy energy. It was a bit much for Lucy some of the time, but mostly she liked it. She even learned to say "Ab" (she has been calling all dogs Beau lately). Oh, Abby is Uncle Freddy and Aunt Gina's dog.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's finally spring!
It has been really warm here, so I dragged my hammock out of the shed and I have been lounging on it ever since. I wish!
We've been busy as usual. We spent the weekend at my parent's house (it was my birthday on Saturday). We haven't been away overnight anywhere in a long time, I think our last overnight trip was to see Molly when she was born! Needless to say it was a long overdue trip, and it didn't go well. :( Actually, just the first night was bad. Being somewhere different did not lend itself well to Lucy sleeping. She didn't sleep at at all actually. We were awake almost all of Friday night, at about three we tried something I didn't think I would do for a few years yet, we turned the TV on and tried to get Lucy to watch it. Bad parenting I know but I was desperate!!!!! Of course since she is only 1 her attention span is only about three seconds long so it didn't work anyway. (I've figured out that Lucy's attention span might actually be shorter than our new goldfish's memories.)
Anyway, after many cups of coffee, Saturday was a nice day. We went out to lunch and then took Lucy to the park.
Sunday we came home and Lucy took her first dip in the hot tub for this year. It was about 80 out, so they turned the hot tub down to 94, just like bath water. Lucy splashed and then slept soundly that night!
So we have been playing outside lots and generally trying to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. It is only April 22 and we are in upstate NY which means it will probably snow again! :)
Today we went shopping to buy some summer clothes. Lucy got a few summery things for her birthday but she didn't have any shorts and she needed a few more t-shirts. I also bought her her first pair of real shoes! We went to Stride-Rite so that she could be properly fitted and so that I could shell out big bucks for little itty bitty shoes! Good shoes are worth good money, I keep reminding myself. Anyway, here's a picture:
Aren't they cute! Unfortunately, Lucy is such a midget that I only had two styles to pick from that came in her size! She is a two and a half! (That is really really little!!!) Oh well, I think these ones are pretty cool.
The big thing that happened since I last posted is that Dave bought me a new bike for my birthday and today Jim and Evie gave me a trailer for it so I can tow Lucy around! I am so excited!!!! Tomorrow I am going to put the trailer together (I am too tired tonight and Dave is gone on a fire call) and cruise around town! Right now though, I am going to take some allergy medicine and go chill on the couch where I will probably fall asleep until Dave gets home and wakes me up. :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Super Hero or Super Villan?
I don't know why she does this or where she learned it from but is the funniest thing she has ever done!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Funniest Thing Ever
just happened!!!!! I took Lucy upstairs a little while ago to change her into her PJ's. She was rubbing her belly and seeming very happy to not be wearing clothes (it must have been the lack of pants). So we came downstairs, turned on the fireplace and she played in the living room wearing only a diaper. Well, she used her wonderful skills to open the gate and she went into the dining room. She shut Dave and I in the living room and then Mae walked by and she started yelling at her! She was yelling "out! out!" and pointing towards the back bedroom, Mae listened to her! The poor dog went in the back room and stood in the doorway looking at us with what i perceived to be a look of great sadness on her face. That isn't even the funniest part though! Once Lucy was satisfied that Mae was "out", she pulled herself up using the gate (she is still on the dining room side of the gate) and took her diaper off!! She stood there with the diaper undone but still being held up between her legs laughing, at Dave and I I think. Then she sat down, crawled off of her diaper and sat, naked, rubbing her belly some more. She is so funny!!!! We were dying laughing! I told her to go up stairs with Daddy to get a new diaper and to get ready for bed. So she crawled her naked little hiney across the living room and up the stairs, all the while look very pleased with herself.She is the best kid ever!!!!!!!
New Pics and Vids
I finally updated our pictures and our videos. Here are the highlights:
The weather was perfect the first half of the week, so we spent lots of time outside. We crawled around the yard, blew bubbles, played in the sand, and drew pictures with chalk.
On Tuesday I found a beautiful flower growing amongst my crocus.

Such a hard day of playing tuckered the poor girl out. She fell asleep during dinner.

It was so cute! We let her sleep for a little while, but then I had to wash the BBQ sauce off of her face, so we had to wake her.
On Thursday we went to an Easter egg hunt (the hunt had been put off until nice weather).

And today, Lucy helped Daddy in the garden before the weather turned bad again.

There are more pictures and videos if you follow the links.
My Videos
My Pictures
The weather was perfect the first half of the week, so we spent lots of time outside. We crawled around the yard, blew bubbles, played in the sand, and drew pictures with chalk.
On Tuesday I found a beautiful flower growing amongst my crocus.
Such a hard day of playing tuckered the poor girl out. She fell asleep during dinner.
It was so cute! We let her sleep for a little while, but then I had to wash the BBQ sauce off of her face, so we had to wake her.
On Thursday we went to an Easter egg hunt (the hunt had been put off until nice weather).
And today, Lucy helped Daddy in the garden before the weather turned bad again.
There are more pictures and videos if you follow the links.
My Videos
My Pictures
Monday, April 7, 2008
So Proud
Lucy yelled at Mae for the first, but I am sure not last, time tonight. It was so funny!!! Mae came into the living room and Lucy crawled up to her, pointed to the dining room, and said "out" (which is what I am always doing to the poor dog)!!!!
For her second act that makes me oh so proud:

Only 13 months old and already a lush! At least she's addicted to the cheap stuff! Imagine how broke I would be if I had she had her Grandpa P.'s or Uncle Jim's taste in Guinness? ;)
For her second act that makes me oh so proud:
Only 13 months old and already a lush! At least she's addicted to the cheap stuff! Imagine how broke I would be if I had she had her Grandpa P.'s or Uncle Jim's taste in Guinness? ;)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
New Stuff
Two big new things at our house:
The newest members of our family!

Lucy has been really into the aquariums at the office and at the Diner so we decided to spend some of her birthday money and get her her own aquarium. I bought the goldfish starter kit and three goldfish. Lucy seems to like them, and I had fun getting it all set up. I just hope I don't kill them!
Second new thing; my new kitchen!

We painted all weekend and it is just about done. Huge difference huh? It is so much brighter in there, I love it! We are exhausted and paint covered so I am on my way to go soak the paint drips off of my hands and arms.
P.S. THANK YOU KIM!!!!!!! You are the best! (She helped me pick out the fish on Friday and then spent all day Saturday here helping me paint. Isn't she great?!)
The newest members of our family!
Lucy has been really into the aquariums at the office and at the Diner so we decided to spend some of her birthday money and get her her own aquarium. I bought the goldfish starter kit and three goldfish. Lucy seems to like them, and I had fun getting it all set up. I just hope I don't kill them!
Second new thing; my new kitchen!
We painted all weekend and it is just about done. Huge difference huh? It is so much brighter in there, I love it! We are exhausted and paint covered so I am on my way to go soak the paint drips off of my hands and arms.
P.S. THANK YOU KIM!!!!!!! You are the best! (She helped me pick out the fish on Friday and then spent all day Saturday here helping me paint. Isn't she great?!)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Loving Baby
Just a minute ago Dave, Lucy and I were all hanging out on the couch together. Lucy was playing with Baby (her doll). She was hugging her, rocking her and patting her on the back. Lucy hugged Baby, laid her down on the couch and said "I love you" to her!!!!! Dave and I both looked at each other in shock and I asked him if he thought she just said I love you. He said that was definitely what she had said. Isn't she the coolest kid ever?!?!?!?!!!!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
We have are having a nice realxing day chilling out mostly at home. Lucy took two good naps, Mommy took a nap, we bought groceries, we picked up, and we cleaned a bit. Lucy was pretty tired after such a fun long weekend with her cousin Molly. We had a great time visiting with Uncle Jim and Aunt Julie too!

I'll try to get the rest of the pictures from this weekend up soon.
I'll try to get the rest of the pictures from this weekend up soon.
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