Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More importantly though...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Can I get an elf?
Anywho... Freddy is feeling much better, thank goodness! He is still a bit raspy but I think that is just all of the cold stuff breaking up and clearing out. He took the last dose of antibiotic tonight, and has two more days of prednisone left. He has not needed a breathing treatment since Tuesday morning and I hope I never have to give him another one ever!!
I got a bunch of shopping done, and many crafts are at least planned out in my head. :) Yesterday morning was the best ever! While Freddy was napping Lucy and I both worked on Christmas projects and listened to Christmas music. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have been beside our tree. That is on the agenda for this weekend and we are supposed to get some snow for the occasion. Also on this weekend's agenda is open house at pottery, make our gingerbread house, go to the gingerbread open house, and go to Haley's birthday party (she will be 4!!!!! I can't believe how fast time flies). Plus craft craft craft and hopefully wrap wrap wrap! :)
I had better take care of my banking and bill paying now. Better yet I should get to bed and do bills in the morning after a cup of coffee or two. :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
after Lucy everywhere that she went. He loves to do whatever she is doing. :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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Friday, November 20, 2009
I should be...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
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Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Long Time Ago...
I will start with a quick round up of what has been keeping us so busy (some of this might be a repeat, bear with me please). Starting at Labor Day, we did the Chicken Wing Thing, my parents were here we visited with Rick, Gina and Noah, we visited with Jim, Julie and Molly, oh yeah and Dave and I had gone to a wedding. This was the first time Freddy did his random throwing up, an act that has been repeated since. Anyway, the week after Labor Day Dave had a cold which he gave to Lucy, very mild no big deal. Lucy then kindly shared with Freddy and I. We were stuffy and didn't feel well but not too big a deal. I got better, Freddy stayed stuffy. I think it was Thursday of the week after he and I are were sick together he spiked a fever. I took him to the doctor's and they said he had an infection and prescribed him some antibiotics. He was doing well, getting better, so the following Wednesday I took him in for his way overdue 6 month check up. The doc said he was perfect (I knew that already but it was nice to have it confirmed). :) That night I gave him his medicine and he tried plums for the first time, which he actually ate, he hadn't been interested in food since he got sick, so I was psyched. However, the next day he broke out in a rash! :( Back to the doctor we went because he had had shots, antibiotics and a new food, and he was covered in little red dots. The doctor decided that it wasn't the shots because he had had them twice before with no reaction and it probably wasn't the plums. That left the antibiotic, which I am allergic to too. So we stopped the medicine and they wrote it down on his chart that he is probably allergic to it. I was told to stop plums for now but try them again in a few weeks and see what happens.
I then spent the weekend running around getting ready for our trip to Massachusetts. Dave took my car to get inspected and we found out it needed to have the gas tank replaced. :/ Fortunately I had taken the car seats out of it before he took it, just in case. On Tuesday I had to borrow Oma's car to take Lucy to get her flu shot (yup, that made 4 trips to the doctor in less than 2 weeks). Then early Wednesday morning we left for MA.
The trip was great! The kids had so much fun playing together! We went to the Aquarium in Boston, and apple picking near J, J and M's house. We also visited my Aunt Ann Marie and Uncle Tim who live one town over from J&J. The hotel was nice, we all went in the pool there so that was fun. The traveling itself even went surprisingly well. We got home late Saturday night and all went straight to bed.
Sunday morning we went to Ganny and Poppa's house and had another tie dye day with the Aunties. This time we did red and green to make shirts for Christmas. To answer your question, yes we are a bit crazy. :) I then did laundry and a bit of grocery shopping and repacked for yet another trip. I just realized I forgot a trip. The week of Freddy's checkup, the three of us went to my parents house overnight. Wow I can't believe I forgot! We met my parents at the Syracuse zoo, then went to their house, stayed the night, got haircuts, and hung out all the next day. I've been so busy I can't even keep up with myself. Okay where was I? Our last trip, we went to Old Forge overnight. Grandpa and Daddy decided they wanted to go look at a cabin that is for sale on Twitchell Lake. Twitchell is where they used to go for a week every summer when Dave was a kid. So we all went up and saw it. There was snow on the ground when we got there so we were freezing but the cabin was really nice. I can't get into describing the whole thing, but I will someday get the pictures I took posted. Their was a pool at that hotel too so Lucy and I got to go swimming, Oma and Freddy chilled on the sidelines and Grandpa and Daddy went back to the cabin to hike around a bit. Fun but exhausting!
We came home on Thursday in time for me to go to pottery class, which I had missed the week before. Then I collapsed into bed and got up in the morning to do laundry again. Yeah! Laundry took up Friday and Saturday we went to visit Dave's cousin and his family. They live about an hour away,and Dave didn't just get to visit he took one of the guys from work with us and they helped Jim replace his furnace. Super fun for them! Lucy, Freddy, Marc, Colby and Luke had a great time playing together and Jen made us some delicious chili for lunch. Since the guys had a job to do we had gone in separate cars so I took the kids home after lunch to make sure they got naps. :) Oh yeah, and Friday night we had Kim over for dinner so Lucy and I baked an apple pie that afternoon.
Sunday we were just going to chill at home but it was so beautiful out we decided to go the pumpkin farm. (I think I posted about that from phone.) Very fun and well worth it. The kids took really long naps after that, which was a good thing for me because Dave had to go to work for awhile. We went grocery shopping that evening and we have been sticking much closer to home since then. On Monday we went to JoAnn's to buy yarn because you never can have too much yarn. :) We also had to get fairy wings for Lucy's Halloween costume. She is going to be a fairy like AbbyKaDabee (spelling? she is a character on Sesame Street). Lucy chose this costume because she discovered the tutu she had gotten for her birthday but never played with before. She wants to wear it always now, well not always Lucy really likes to be naked these days. Fun fun fun around here!
That about sums it up. My parents came on Tuesday afternoon and spent the night, and I have spent the week crocheting like mad to make a birthday present for Dave. I decided a bit late to make him something so I have been working like crazy when he isn't here. Last night I even left early for pottery so that I could sit in the parking lot there and work on it. I am sure Mike (the owner) thought I was crazy, oh well I am! :) I will post a picture of his present after I give it to him Sunday.
This weekend, Dave's birthday weekend, we are going to Beer's of the World to get stuff for him to make hard cider. On Sunday we are going to ZooBoo which sounds cool, there are tons of activities for the kids and the animal exhibits are supposed to be decorated too. Then since that is Dave's actual birthday we are having crab legs and brownies with ice cream for dessert, yum!!
Quickly I will mention the children. :) Freddy has six teeth and might be getting more right now. He is doing pretty well with eating now that he is better, oddly he really likes Swiss chard which is something I craved at the beginning of my pregnancy. Weird. He gets all around by rolling, though he is getting up to all fours and doing that rocking back and forth thing. I think our hard floor is slowing him down, his knees always slide out behind him and he only ends up going backwards. Dave claims that Freddy went forward last night while I was gone, but I don't believe him. I only leave my kids for 2 and a half hours a week to go to pottery, I am with them 24-7 otherwise and I don't think Freddy would do that to me! :) He sits up well of course, he just started waving and he has turned into a terrible flirt! He seems to like young blond women, like our favorite waitress Danielle! He flirts with here so much it is ridiculous! :)
What can I write about Lucy? She is crazy!!!!!! She is 2 and a half which sums it up. She talks a mile a minute, wants to know how everything works, loves to jump and run, plays all kinds of pretend games and today she created an invisible friend! The friend is a new one on me, she has told me about things I couldn't see before like the bear on our stairs (he is catching fish in the water, like in a book we have about bears it shows them fishing at a waterfall for salmon) and Tiger Tiger who lives out side her window in the sky (I think, I am not too sure about that one). But this one she said is her son, (!!!!) a little girl, whose backyard is in our living room. Her playground with swings and a slide is on our couch and the two of them were hungry for a snack earlier. I asked what Lucy wanted and she said her son wanted a fruit roll up. :) It took me a while to realize she wasn't talking about one of her baby dolls. At nap time Lucy said that she (her son) wanted to sleep in her bed with her. I said okay as long as you both go to sleep. It seems to have worked I haven't heard a peep since I tucked them in. :)
I did not get to write all of this in one sitting and it may have gotten so long you can't read it all in one sitting. :) I am done now. My squash is done baking so I have to go take care of it. Some of it will be Freddy food and some is going to make squash ravioli with sage butter sauce that Lucy I and are making for dinner (recipe from this month's Family Fun magazine). I am also using up valuable crochet time!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Problems and about the architect
On top of my worrying about him being sick, I found out this afternoon that Tylenol issued a recall on some of its infant and children's formulas. Sorry to be rude but, WTF!!!!! Freddy is sick so I have been giving him a trusted brand name (not generic because I bought the trusted name) and they announce a recall!!!! I checked all of the medicine we have and it is not on the list but I am still upset about it. Upset enough that Dave got a tearful phone call asking if he was coming home soon.Good thing he works so close huh?
I am calmed down mostly now. I better go clean up and cook dinner. Good thing it is a pottery night, not that I will be able to concentrate with all of this stuff going on but at least I get to get away for awhile.
The post from Tuesday with no video at the end, sorry!
Today we met with an architect and I think we are going to hire her. Very exciting and stressful! As soon as we have a drawing I will scan it and post it. Our house will be very old farmhouse/Adirondack looking with a big porch on the front, rough cut board siding and a metal roof. There is so much to think about and I am way behind Dave because my attention is being taken by other things. Here is a sample of those other things: :)
Here is Freddy having his first taste of jelly at the Diner. Sadly (for Ganny), he didn't like it very much. He doesn't really like to eat much of anything, other than his milkies. His not liking food is stressing me out, I don't want to be his sole source of nourishment any more, he is a big boy it takes a lot to keep up with him! :) We gave him a saltine cracker today and he really liked that so maybe that is the solution, spread all of his food on saltines and trick him into eating it. ;)
I haven't uploaded a video in a long time, I have taken lots but I haven't got them on to the computer. So here is one to show you what Freddy is up to these days. He doesn't crawl yet but he gets what he wants, unless it is directly in front of him. He does a lot of spinning, stretching, scooching backwards and rolling. He just got himself over to his sister's coloring books and is ripping the pages right now actually, brb! Ok situation taken care of but I better stop blogging and get back to work. My craft closet is (still) all torn apart because I am trying to reorganize it. It is scary and the mess is making the back room basically unusable. :(
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Promised Pics
This one is from a while ago, when the big crane came to set the new bulk propane tank. It is a very nice picture of four generations of men.
I don't remember exactly when this was from. Aunt Grace stopped to ask me something and before she knew Lucy had her on the couch reading her a story. Freddy was eavesdropping I think.
Big and little cousins.
The newest member of the family Noah Nicholas.
Our gorgeous new swing set that Dave built.
Both kids, but especially Freddy, really like to swing.
Is it time to eat chicken wings yet?
Freddy entertaining the ladies.
Lucy and Hailey taking a garden stroll, away from the spicy chicken wings.
He was totally fine the next day. We spent some time hanging out at our land, my parents were staying there in their RV. Freddy loves to play with grass. He does occasionally try to eat it, but mostly he plays.
There's Lucy and BobBob do what else? Reading stories of course.
She is enjoying the campfire and some quiet after an extremely busy weekend.
Two of the most beautiful girls in the world!
Finally, a tie dye picture. This is all of the stuff I did this time. If you want to see more of it I started a new blog to post details about craft projects. It is called Busy Bees. :) It is still under construction, but I am going to use it to post pictures and details of the many many crafty things we do around here. I don't know how I am going to keep it up since I can barely find time to post on here but I will try to keep juggling everything.
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Real Post
On a side note my kids are full of all kinds of craziness. Lucy is crazy and I mean 2 and a half year old crazy. She tests me on everything, tells elaborate made up stories, is very helpful sometimes, throws fits sometimes, and loves her brother very much. She even has "chores", in the morning she feeds the fish and gives Mae her cookie and at night she helps get Mae her dinner. Oh, and she never stops talking, ever!!!!!!
Freddy is also full of developments. He has two teeth, the front bottom two. They finally broke through last Thursday and Friday after about 6 weeks of bothering him. He is rolling all over the place. Yesterday he was halfway under the couch when I came back into the living room from getting Lucy a snack. When he is really trying to reach a toy that is out in front of him he can almost get it except that he scooches backwards instead. ;) He is getting the hang of eating solids. He eats lots of fruits and veggies, rice cereal and oatmeal. I have to get cooking up some new stuff.
I have been doing way too many crafts lately. I think I mentioned the crochet, and I have been tie-dying with the aunties. We have done it twice so far to perfect our technique so we are going to do it again this coming weekend. I promise to get some pictures of that up soon. Lucy and I have been painting, coloring and doing cooking projects too. I am kind of tired!
Have you seen the picture of my brand new nephew?!?!?! He is sooo cute and tiny! I thought Freddy was big boy before. You should see him next to Noah! I promise to get pictures of that soon too!
It is time for a snack and bed, then off to my parents tomorrow for a haircut.
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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
p.s. Aunt Julie, Lucy was very interested in the yarn spinning and dying demonstration that we saw.