On top of my worrying about him being sick, I found out this afternoon that Tylenol issued a recall on some of its infant and children's formulas. Sorry to be rude but, WTF!!!!! Freddy is sick so I have been giving him a trusted brand name (not generic because I bought the trusted name) and they announce a recall!!!! I checked all of the medicine we have and it is not on the list but I am still upset about it. Upset enough that Dave got a tearful phone call asking if he was coming home soon.Good thing he works so close huh?
I am calmed down mostly now. I better go clean up and cook dinner. Good thing it is a pottery night, not that I will be able to concentrate with all of this stuff going on but at least I get to get away for awhile.
The post from Tuesday with no video at the end, sorry!
Today we met with an architect and I think we are going to hire her. Very exciting and stressful! As soon as we have a drawing I will scan it and post it. Our house will be very old farmhouse/Adirondack looking with a big porch on the front, rough cut board siding and a metal roof. There is so much to think about and I am way behind Dave because my attention is being taken by other things. Here is a sample of those other things: :)
Here is Freddy having his first taste of jelly at the Diner. Sadly (for Ganny), he didn't like it very much. He doesn't really like to eat much of anything, other than his milkies. His not liking food is stressing me out, I don't want to be his sole source of nourishment any more, he is a big boy it takes a lot to keep up with him! :) We gave him a saltine cracker today and he really liked that so maybe that is the solution, spread all of his food on saltines and trick him into eating it. ;)
I haven't uploaded a video in a long time, I have taken lots but I haven't got them on to the computer. So here is one to show you what Freddy is up to these days. He doesn't crawl yet but he gets what he wants, unless it is directly in front of him. He does a lot of spinning, stretching, scooching backwards and rolling. He just got himself over to his sister's coloring books and is ripping the pages right now actually, brb! Ok situation taken care of but I better stop blogging and get back to work. My craft closet is (still) all torn apart because I am trying to reorganize it. It is scary and the mess is making the back room basically unusable. :(
1 comment:
Freddy likes saltines- just like BobBob!
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