Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Accomplished Something...

for a change. Yesterday I cleaned (most) of the house and put up my Halloween decorations. Today I uploaded pictures and videos! There are now 3 months worth of new pictures at My Pictures and 15 new videos on My Videos! Some of these pics and videos I have posted on here but there are lots you haven't seen. I have also been working on my rug. It is almost a third done already!!! I will post a picture of it as soon as it is done.

Lucy and I did some laundry too. Yesterday I paid for all the work I did, my back was killing me by noon! I spent most of the rest of the day on the couch. :( Other than my back I am feeling good though! My back only hurt so much because I did too much. My belly is getting very big and Baby Brother is starting to move around a lot. Dave can't wait to feel him moving, I was surprised that he couldn't feel a couple of the kicks the other day!

What's new with Lucy? She's becoming more and more toddler like. She is bossy and throws fits more often now. She is still very easy going overall but she is definitely showing what she wants. Very luckily for us she talks so much. She has a huge vocabulary which really helps cut back on the tantrums because she can get across what it is that she wants without getting too frustrated. She has also become very helpful lately. You can ask her to go get you things or take something to Daddy. She helps put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. She takes the plates and bowls out and hands them to you! Very cute!!! She also helps me do the laundry. I give her socks, washcloths and underwear to "fold", that was great until last week when she started trying to put my underwear on instead of putting them in the basket. :) She is also very good at putting the clean stuff from the washer into the dryer which is great because as my belly gets bigger that gets harder for me to do. ;)

That is all I can think of for now. Make sure you look at the new pictures and videos!

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