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Monday, March 28, 2011

Big Boy

It seems that Freddy has made some big leaps in the last couple of weeks. He is very quickly becoming a little boy and leaving babyhood behind. It's exciting and sad (I would probably feel more sad if I weren't getting kicked by the new one at the moment ;) ). He is speaking more clearly and with more words. He is also stringing more words together. I am finding out that he is catching a lot more than I thought. Yesterday he said "Julie, Momma, baby." I didn't think he really understood about the babies but I guess his does, a bit at least. He and Lucy have been playing together really well lately. Yesterday they played for almost an hour before I heard any fighting. This morning they even played a game together without me. I did the important job of sitting with Gus so he wouldn't mess up their game. ;) The biggest development happened last night, Freddy slept in a bed instead of the crib for the first time! Yesterday we went up to Ganny and Poppa's and got a bed. The kids were both super excited, they even helped Daddy and Aunt Joyce carry it. When we got home we cleaned and rearranged their rooms. Lucy got her mattress moved up to the bed, and Freddy got the box spring and mattress in his room. As soon as we had it made he climbed right in. When I put him to bed I told him that he had to stay in the bed all night, until the sun came on, and if he didn't he would have to go into his crib. After I read his story and kissed him goodnight I didn't hear another peep from him until 5:30 this morning! I checked on him twice after tucking him and he was still awake but silent and still, one time he looked up at me and smiled. He was so proud! He handled naptime perfectly this afternoon too! I am keeping my fingers crossed but am realistic that it probably won't prove to be this easy. I feel like I am neglecting Lucy. Last Thursday we had our first parent-teacher conference. We got a stellar review from her teacher. The one thing she said we should work on with her is to keep up her love of books. :) She has excellent pre-reading skills, has friends in the class, and is above and beyond on all of her fine and gross motor skills. She is perfect, but I wasn't surprised at that! :) And not to forget the little one, I went to the midwife last week. There isn't much to report, all is well. It's kind of boring 3rd time around. Next month I get to do the always gross blood glucose test where you drink the sugary nasty stuff. After that we switch to appointments every two weeks. This pregancy is flying by! Speaking of pregnancies flying by, we are all hoping to welcome the new baby girl soon! The kids are excited for a new cousin! I keep hoping it is soon for Julie's sake. ;) Hope we hear soon!! p.s. For some reason Blogger and I are not getting along. I have gone back and put spaces in this post 3 times but everytime it goes up the spaces are gone. Also, it won't letme spell check. Sorry, hope it is them not me.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Mmmm,love that glucose test! Molly still says to me, "remember that time you had to drink the yucky orange juice?"
Good stuff.
I can't wait for the new baby cousins to play together. We're so excited!!!!

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