Not a very good picture that I took of myself but you get the idea.
An off-center side view. It is really curly in the back! It is really easy to style. My head feels very weird still.
On Saturday my Aunt Karen came to visit. She wanted to see us and meet Freddy. She brought him an awesome present!
This elephant that she crocheted. It is so cute! I love it, and I am sure Freddy will too. :)
On Saturday, Uncle Freddy and Aunt Gina came over too. Unfortunately in this picture, Lucy is blocking the view of Gina's belly. She is 20 weeks and showing it! :)
Sunday was my birthday. Grandma (and BobBob who were here all weekend) helped Lucy make me a present. In this picture she is handing me two butterflies they made out of colored coffee filters and pipe cleaners. On my lap is a "pretend birthday cake" (that's what Lucy said it was) made out of a paper plate with macaroni glued to it. It was the best present I got!
I am sorry for the weird way in which I have written. The kids have taken turns crying all evening, Freddy won't let me put him down and I am tired so my ability to think clearly is highly diminished. I think I will spell check this post and go to bed.
Thank you for posting your "new do". It's adorable. Mom and I both loved it! Great picture of your super cute kids!!! Love, Aunt Grace and Gram
I love the haircut!! That must feel so good.
I also love that elephant. Very cool.
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