Freddy is pretty easy going. As long as he gets to nurse frequently he is happy. He loves to have his back patted. His favorite place is laying on some one's chest, with his ear over their heart. He also likes it when Daddy puts his lips on his (Freddy's) head and talks, it must be the deep voice.
Freddy almost always stops crying if Lucy sings to him. Now that he can see a little farther, and is spending more time awake, he likes to watch Lucy. He spends a lot more time awake and alert now. It has taken me by surprise that he wants to be able to look around and be entertained already. Lucy thinks its fun to shake a rattle for him.
Freddy has started smiling and cooing, which has made me, if possible, even more in love with him. He loves to be rocked, and is not a huge fan of taking a bath. He is doing really well at night. He usually falls asleep by 10:00pm, and sleeps until about 12:30. I nurse him and he goes right back to sleep until somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30. Then I change his diaper and nurse him. He isn't as easy during this stretch of early morning. Freddy is a grumbler, he makes lots of grunts and groans and just grumbles a lot especially while sleeping. After I have changed and nursed him he tends to grumble a lot until about 6:00. Then he nurses again and usually falls back asleep. Of course Lucy wakes up around 6:00-6:30 so I don't get to go back to sleep. I get WAY more sleep with him than I was getting with Lucy at this stage though so I am not complaining. :)
What else can I say about Freddy? He has ticklish feet; he has outgrown most of his 0-3month size clothes (I am going to check if some of the 3-6month stuff fits yet); as of this morning he weighs a little over 13 pounds (Dave brought this scale home from work that he keeps weighing Freddy on); a lot of his hair has fallen out, he looks like a little old man because he just hair on the sides and back right now, it is starting to grow back in where it fell out though.
That is about all I can think of for now. As soon as Lucy gets up from nap I am going to try to do a paper mache project with her. I think I have completely lost my mind. :)
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