Lucy loved the swing but she wouldn't let me push her. She was happy just sitting in it. Dave's project for next weekend is going to have to be getting our swing hung back up.
Here's Freddy enjoying the park.
The other day we played Play-doh while Freddy was napping. This is a video of Lucy describing what she made. She is getting very good at pretending and is starting to really use her imagination. I am so impressed with the things she remembers and the things she thinks up.This morning I gave her a spoonful of honey because she was coughing a lot (it worked!), and so I asked her if she remembered who made honey. At first she said Pooh Bear, so I said "Pooh likes to eat honey but who makes it?" She thought for a minute and said "bees" then she started talking about honey trees and about how Pooh went in a hole and got stuck. i asked her if she remembered why he got stuck and she said it was because he was too big. Then she started talking about how he had a scarf on his head. If you don't recognize this story, it is from Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, and the part about him getting stuck is from the story about Pooh going to rabbit's and eating so much honey that he was too fat to get out of rabbit's hole. We haven't read that story (or watched the movie of it, it's one of the few kids movies we have because it is one of the few that I like) in quite a while, but she remembered it! Anyway, back from my tangent, here is the movie:
Tonight Dave and I are going out on first date since Freddy was born. Kim is coming to babysit while we go to the Fireman's annual banquet. Freddy will take a bottle, unlike his sister would, so we have a bit more freedom than we had with her. I pumped some milk already this morning for tonight, but we will still probably only stay 2 or 3 hours. Especially since I doubt Kim will put Lucy to bed. The two of them have so much fun together that they usually forgot about behaving. :) We are very lucky Kim lives just down the road and likes to hang out with us!
Tomorrow we are leaving on a trip. I told Lucy we were going to go on a trip and ever since she keeps asking if we are going on the trip yet. Dave needs to go to a conference for some work thing and it is in Montreal. He asked if we wanted to go and I immediately said yes! Get me out of here for a while! :) I haven't left town since Christmas time, I could use a trip! It's been a while since we went to hotel, I am trying to think up lots of things to take that will keep Lucy occupied.
Freddy is starting to fuss, but here is a video of him from a few minutes ago when we was still happy in his bouncy seat.
While the video was loading I nursed Freddy and thought of three more things to write about. First, Freddy has started sleeping for a 5 hour stretch at night!!!! He sleeps from 9 or 10 until 2 or 3 then he wakes up again to eat at 4 or 5. It is great! Second, this morning Dave was tickling Lucy's feet and she told him to stop and that it was rude to tickle feet!!! She is too funny! Third, Lucy just got herself dressed! She needs someone to tell her which is the front on her pants and then she needs help pulling them up in back over her diaper, but mostly she does it herself. She also has three different pairs of shoes that she can do herself too! She won't always do it but she is capable.
It is already 72 degrees out so I am off to enjoy a beautiful day!