Today was one of those days. I haven't been inspired to write much lately but today, well, I thought I would write today.
Lucy was being a bit more of a hand full than she normally is. All day long she talked and talked and talked, mostly she was saying "Dada dada dada" which used to be cute but is pretty old now. She has to look for him everywhere, if we go upstairs she goes in my bedroom to check that he isn't in bed, if we go in the backyard she goes to the fence and yells for him, in the living room she climbs up to each window to look for him. Anyway, what else happened? The dog threw up on the deck and I only found out about it when I decided to take a closer look at what Lucy was playing with, yeah gross.
Lucy likes to take all of her clothes out of her dresser drawers, I don't mind too much because it keeps her occupied while I take a shower. (I think that is when the whole day started to go downhill, I didn't get a shower this morning.) Anyway, I spent a long time this morning reorganizing her drawers and putting all of her clean clothes away. This afternoon I was very tired, so when Lucy started to take all of the clothes out of the drawer, it crushed me, I actually cried a little. (This is the pity party blog post.)
Our next disagreement is kind of funny. While I tried to make dinner Lucy kept taking her diaper off and running around the house giggling about it. The first two times were funny but the by the fifth time I had had enough. (I know she was doing it for attention, but I had to make dinner because I also knew that in fifteen minutes she would be starving and crying to eat dinner.) I even tried to reason with her about it, I told her she didn't have to wear a diaper if she stayed int he kitchen (so accidents would be easy to clean). Reasoning with a toddler got me nowhere of course! :) I had to strap her into her highchair, where she sat and pouted. I kid you not, she sat and pouted! She slid down in her seat, put her feet up on the crosspiece, and frowned at me while I finished making dinner. It was very cute! During this last fight of the afternoon I called Dave to make sure he knew he better than to be late getting home from work today and he promised he wouldn't be more than 5 minutes after 5:00. So at 5:20 when he hadn't shown up yet and the fire whistle went off you can imagine I was a little perturbed with him. He finally showed up about 6:15 and promised to take care of Lucy for the rest of the night (yup, the whole 45 minutes left before bed time). After 10 minutes of her following him around and talking nonstop he said I can see how this might be annoying!!!!!
All right I am done venting and I feel much better. I am gong to go take a bath, then guilt Dave into giving me a back rub!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Circus!
The most exciting thing ever happened yesterday! The circus came to town! The exciting part though is that they ordered diesel from us and when they went to deliver it, the truck got stuck, so an elephant helped pull it out!!!
Isn't that cool! Later that afternoon we went to the circus and Lucy loved it! I thought she would be bored easily by it, but she watched almost all of it. Kim and Oma went with us and we met Ben, Melissa and Haley there. At one point Lucy poked Ben in the arm until he moved over and sat in the aisle so Lucy could sit in his spot next to Haley.

Haley would take Lucy's hands and clap them for her. They are so cute together because Lucy actually plays with Haley now.
It was very hot out so Lucy and I shared a snow cone, her first one. She really enjoyed it and turned her mouth blue.
Kim might run away and joined the circus so I am keeping an eye on her. :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Lucy has already created a bedtime stall routine! When it is time to go upstairs she asks for something to eat, and I say "No, we just finished snack" or "No, you just ate a whole apple, banana, box of crackers, etc." So we get upstairs, I change her then we go to pick out a book, but she is thirsty. We have to go in the bathroom and get a Dixie cup of water. Next we pick out and read a story or two. Then she wants more stories. and I put my foot down and say no and she cries a little. Finally we rock and snuggle for five minutes and I put her in her crib. She is too smart for my own good! :)
As you might guess from that story, she has become a very opinionated little girl. She knows what she wants and she knows what she doesn't want. She very politely, usually, says no and asks please until you do what she wants. She does throw temper tantrums but really they are quite mild and I consider myself lucky for that! Some of her strongest opinions are about who she wants to do something for her, or not do something with her. For some reason she won't let Dave color with her. Every time he tries she gets upset and cries or even pushes him away. Most of the time she wants Oma to do everything and anything and if I try to do it instead she tells me no or she cries. She reacts that way pretty much anytime there is someone more interesting then me around. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to learn to sit and relax when others are around. :)
Who wants to read what I have to say if there is no picture right?
As you might guess from that story, she has become a very opinionated little girl. She knows what she wants and she knows what she doesn't want. She very politely, usually, says no and asks please until you do what she wants. She does throw temper tantrums but really they are quite mild and I consider myself lucky for that! Some of her strongest opinions are about who she wants to do something for her, or not do something with her. For some reason she won't let Dave color with her. Every time he tries she gets upset and cries or even pushes him away. Most of the time she wants Oma to do everything and anything and if I try to do it instead she tells me no or she cries. She reacts that way pretty much anytime there is someone more interesting then me around. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to learn to sit and relax when others are around. :)
Who wants to read what I have to say if there is no picture right?
Concert Pianists
On Saturday we had a cook out with some friends at Oma and Grandpa's house. Lucy had a great time playing with her friend Haley. They are so cute together!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Videos
It has been a while since I posted any videos so I thought I should get on it. The first one is just Lucy waking and running around, in case you haven't seen it. :)
Next is finger painting. I remembered that I had read somewhere that you could use pudding for finger painting, whoever's idea that was it was genius! I made instant pudding which takes five minutes (or less if you don't wait for it to set all the way), no cooking required and we could eat our paint when we were done! (I am going to eat some right now while I wait for this video to load. ;) )
Next is a typical meal at our house: Lucy takes a bite, Lucy gives a bite to Mae, Mommy tells Lucy to eat her dinner and not feed it to the dog, Lucy takes another bite. Also in this video she is slurping in her noodles which I thought was very funny but I am not sure how well you can see what she is doing.
Two nights ago Lucy slept through the night for the first time in longer than I can remember, unfortunately she hasn't repeated it. She, finally, used to sleep through the night in her crib but then she started teething and we felt bad for her so we let her in our bed and, well you know how that goes. We haven't bothered to sleep train her again because it is summer time and we have so many things going on and nights we will be away from home which will just put us back where we started and we would have to do it again. Maybe in the fall we will do it, but maybe not. I kind of love snuggling with her and I enjoy being woken up in the morning because a little monkey is crawling across my head. :)
Speaking of sleep, I am going to bed. Good night!
OOPS, I almost forgot! My pics are finally updated. There are new pictures in both the June and July albums.
Next is finger painting. I remembered that I had read somewhere that you could use pudding for finger painting, whoever's idea that was it was genius! I made instant pudding which takes five minutes (or less if you don't wait for it to set all the way), no cooking required and we could eat our paint when we were done! (I am going to eat some right now while I wait for this video to load. ;) )
Next is a typical meal at our house: Lucy takes a bite, Lucy gives a bite to Mae, Mommy tells Lucy to eat her dinner and not feed it to the dog, Lucy takes another bite. Also in this video she is slurping in her noodles which I thought was very funny but I am not sure how well you can see what she is doing.
Two nights ago Lucy slept through the night for the first time in longer than I can remember, unfortunately she hasn't repeated it. She, finally, used to sleep through the night in her crib but then she started teething and we felt bad for her so we let her in our bed and, well you know how that goes. We haven't bothered to sleep train her again because it is summer time and we have so many things going on and nights we will be away from home which will just put us back where we started and we would have to do it again. Maybe in the fall we will do it, but maybe not. I kind of love snuggling with her and I enjoy being woken up in the morning because a little monkey is crawling across my head. :)
Speaking of sleep, I am going to bed. Good night!
OOPS, I almost forgot! My pics are finally updated. There are new pictures in both the June and July albums.
Monday, July 7, 2008
First Time
On Saturday night Lucy had her first ever sleep over away from home without me! She slept over at Oma and Grandpa's house and had a great time. Dave and I went out on a date and then we slept in our own bed, alone, the whole night! :) When we picked Lucy up Sunday morning, everyone seemed tired but happy. I am glad it went well, I was really expecting a 2am phone call to come get her, but at the same time it was a little sad. She is becoming so much more independent, I am glad she is but I do miss my baby.
It is really hot here so we went in the pool tonight, first time this year. It was a bit cool but nice. Lucy liked it but she wouldn't go in the floaties that we used last year, she wants Dave or I to hold her. I tried to teach her to jump from the side to me but she wasn't really into it. There is still lots of summer left to learn.
It is really hot here so we went in the pool tonight, first time this year. It was a bit cool but nice. Lucy liked it but she wouldn't go in the floaties that we used last year, she wants Dave or I to hold her. I tried to teach her to jump from the side to me but she wasn't really into it. There is still lots of summer left to learn.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th!
We decided to have a picnic in the backyard for dinner tonight, Lucy's first one.

Um yes, that is McDonald's. Well you see, we forgot to plan something for dinner and because it is a holiday the stores around here all closed so early, so we had to go to Mickey D's, no choice. ;) Anyway, Lucy liked eating the yard.
This afternoon we worked on getting my stepping stones in to the yard. We made seven so far, and Dave thinks we can get another bunch done tomorrow while Lucy is napping (she was helping a lot).

I tried pressing different kinds of leaves into the wet cement some of the came really well, like this one:

That is it for our holiday. The fireworks are too late tonight for Lucy so I will be watching them out of my bedroom window alone again this year (Dave goes to the fireworks with the fire department so they can help with the crowd and put out any grass fires if necessary). We went to the lake last night but we left at 9:15 because Lucy was burning out, so we didn't get to see the ring of fire or the fireworks. Oh well, at least we didn't get stuck in traffic! :)
Right now Lucy is off with some of her Aunties, they called after dinner and asked if they could take her for a walk. I had to think about it of course, but then I ran upstairs to get Lucy changed and I shoved her out the door. :) Dave thinks we should try to get a few chores done while she is gone so I have to go mop the kitchen now. :(
Um yes, that is McDonald's. Well you see, we forgot to plan something for dinner and because it is a holiday the stores around here all closed so early, so we had to go to Mickey D's, no choice. ;) Anyway, Lucy liked eating the yard.
This afternoon we worked on getting my stepping stones in to the yard. We made seven so far, and Dave thinks we can get another bunch done tomorrow while Lucy is napping (she was helping a lot).
I tried pressing different kinds of leaves into the wet cement some of the came really well, like this one:
That is it for our holiday. The fireworks are too late tonight for Lucy so I will be watching them out of my bedroom window alone again this year (Dave goes to the fireworks with the fire department so they can help with the crowd and put out any grass fires if necessary). We went to the lake last night but we left at 9:15 because Lucy was burning out, so we didn't get to see the ring of fire or the fireworks. Oh well, at least we didn't get stuck in traffic! :)
Right now Lucy is off with some of her Aunties, they called after dinner and asked if they could take her for a walk. I had to think about it of course, but then I ran upstairs to get Lucy changed and I shoved her out the door. :) Dave thinks we should try to get a few chores done while she is gone so I have to go mop the kitchen now. :(
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Day Trip
Today we took a surprise trip to the city and had a blast! Dave, Lucy and I went with Oma, Grandpa, and Uncle Jim out to lunch then to a spice store. (Yes, a store that just sells spices. Stuart's Spices) After the excitement of the spice store we decided to go to Charlotte and go out on the pier. It was so much fun!!! We all rode the carousel, which at first Lucy was a bit afraid of but once Daddy got on the horse too she was happy. Then we walked on the pier a little and saw some quackers (that is what Lucy calls ducks :) ). Next we walked on the beach, Lucy's first time at the beach. I took her to put her feet in the water and she was not thrilled with it. She stood for a minute letting the waves touch her toes and then she said "all done", very anti climatic for me. Afterwards we went to get ice cream and that made everyone happy, especially Uncle Jim who seemed disappointed that we didn't get ice cream first. ;)
There were only two sad parts to our day. The first was that none of us had a camera with us for our day trip. We unfortunately missed out on some great pictures. :( The second sad part was that this evening we had to say goodbye to Uncle Jim, Aunt Julie and Molly; they are leaving in the morning. I am hoping to plan a trip out their way soon.
I am going to go sit on the deck with Dave and eat cherries that he just picked from our tree. Happy Fourth!
There were only two sad parts to our day. The first was that none of us had a camera with us for our day trip. We unfortunately missed out on some great pictures. :( The second sad part was that this evening we had to say goodbye to Uncle Jim, Aunt Julie and Molly; they are leaving in the morning. I am hoping to plan a trip out their way soon.
I am going to go sit on the deck with Dave and eat cherries that he just picked from our tree. Happy Fourth!
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