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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Couple of Videos

I updated all of the videos that I took over the weekend. Kim has a few more that I will try to get posted tomorrow. Here is a sample, see them all at My Videos.

Dave and I worry that Lucy might be a little obsessive compulsive or she is just a toddler (we all know toddlers are completely insane). On Saturday Lucy "helped" Aunt Julie by picking up all of Molly's clothes, even the ones that were still neatly folded up in Molly's diaper bag.

Lucy was nothing but helpful this past weekend. In this next video she reads a book to Molly. Of course she ripped the book out of Molly's hands, stared at it for a minute then shoved it in Molly's face so Molly could see it too. Like I said, very helpful. :)

In other news, my yard has become quiet the wildlife sanctuary! My new butterfly garden has attracted one butterfly so far! I am sure that one was a scout sent by the other butterflies to see if everything is blooming yet. Really though, I have seen some honey bees (so I am doing great for the environment right?), the one butterfly, lots of little brown birds (sparrows maybe?), some goldfinches, chickadees, a cardinal, two blue jays, a bird that is black and gray with a long skinny beak, a bunch of deer (just outside of my fence), and tonight I saw a family of raccoons (which Mae had treed, of course). Oh and Slutty Cat has been hanging around a bunch, probably trying to catch my new bird friends. (She is named Slutty Cat because every year she gives birth to a litter in or near my yard.)

Speaking of my yard, i think I have planted pretty much everything I am going to plant this summer. Last week I went over to Aunt Louise's house and she gave me a ton of plants, almost all of which are still alive! :) I am thinking about throwing a garden party sometime, stay tuned for details.

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