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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, Monday

Freddy is off on a date with Oma today. They are spending the whole day together, just the two of them. I wonder who will be more tired tonight, Freddy or Oma? ;) Lucy had her date about a month ago. It's nice for both of them, whoever stays home gets a whole day of one-on-one Mommy time, something Lucy especially doesn't get much of these days. I guess after July they will get even less one-on-one time though, eh? :) Lucy had an extra special home day because we didn't stay home. She got to go to lunch with Mommy AND Daddy at Tom Wahl's, her very favorite restaurant!

After lunch, Lucy had an appointment with the eye doctor to check out how she is doing with her glasses. Well, it turns out she needs an even stronger prescription! Fortunately we were able to order just new lenses, we didn't have to get new frames too. Those should be in next week and then she needs to go back for another check in April. Next month when the kids go for their annual physicals I think I am going to ask the doctor if she thinks I should take Freddy to get his eyes checked too, just in case. :/

I am feeling good now, even get some things done. I am back to being only slightly behind on laundry. :) We have been doing tons of crafts. There are markers, balls of yarn, and piles of fabric all over the place. The only reason I am typing right now instead of sewing is because I am to a part where I need to go iron and I don't feel like it. :)

I am going to go now and try to look up some cool boy things to make. The other day Freddy sobbed because I had made a skirt for Lucy and nothing for him. I felt awful!! After he went to bed I quickly made him a vest out of a felted sweater. They both had something new to wear the next day, but of course, I had to wear sweatpants because I had nothing else clean. To make that fact seem less bad, I only have three pairs of non-sweatpant pants that fit me right now!! My current project is, hopefully, a maternity skirt. Cross your fingers for me on that though, I messed up a baby skirt yesterday. :D

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