She is doing great! We started Friday, she spent the whole day (except nap and bed time) in underwear and only had two accidents. However, on Saturday she refused to go anywhere near the potty and wore a diaper all day.
Saturday evening we went to a party for Granny's 60th anniversary of coming to America, so it was probably for the best that she (Lucy, not Granny :) ) wanted to wear a diaper. At the party though, she said "I want to go potty." Luckily Kim was right next to her and took her, because I was feeding Freddy (we could not survive without Kim!). Lucy went pee and poop in the potty for Kim!!!!!
Today and yesterday she has worn underwear all day and done great! She has only had three accidents total, two on Friday and one on Sunday morning. I even got brave and took her to the office and the Diner today. When we got home she told me she had to go potty and she did it! She pooped in the potty!! I think she was afraid to to do that which is why she freaked out on Saturday and wanted to wear a diaper. I am really pleased with how well it is going; I am so proud of her!
The other thing keeping us busy is Mae. she had to have surgery on her ear last Thursday.
To back up a bit, our trip to Montreal was very nice. I saw none of the city, and barely left the Hotel room, but it was great to get out of town. Even nicer, I didn't have to cook or clean anything! :)
They both did really well being stuck in the car for a six hour drive. The only part that was horrible was the last 30 minutes or so of our ride home, they took turns crying.
We don't have cable at home, so the best part of any trip is watching TV. Unfortunately on this trip half of the channels were in French, including Cartoon Network, and I couldn't find Nickelodeon. :(
Playing with the remote was fun anyway.
You can't really see it but his shirt says Party Animal. Does it getting any cuter than that?
For entertainment one afternoon, I gave Lucy her very first pedicure. She loved it and was very proud to show off her toes. I was surprised that she sat still long enough for me to paint them and to let them dry.
The only exciting thing we did was go swimming in the Hotel pool. Lucy loved it!!! I can't wait to take her Oma and Grandpa's pool this summer.
Before we went to Montreal, we took the kids to Lollypop Farm (a nearby branch of the humane society). They were having Farm Days. It was beautiful out and Lucy had a lot of fun there. Her favorite part was petting the goats. I have video of it that I will try to get posted later. Here is a cute picture of her from that day:
The weather has been nice so I finally got to work in my garden. As you can see, I am growing a fine crop of dandelions. Lucy and Freddy are a big help with weeding. ;)
The best picture from Saturday night. It was a very nice party and both my kids behaved themselves.
Last but not least, here is Freddy enjoying the bouncy seat (I love that thing!):
To see a video of Lucy playing in the bouncy seat click here.
I hope that posting all of these videos and pictures makes up for my not writing anything more meaningful. I just don't have the brain power. Although, Saturday night Freddy slept all night! From 10pm until 5am!!!! Lucy didn't do that forever, I am still excited and surprised that she sleeps through the night. Last night was as great but it was his first night in his crib. He went from 10 until 1, and if I had given it a few more minutes before I went to get him he probably would have put himself back to sleep. Oh well, tonight is another night.
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