Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The first day of school was a success!!!!!! It was hot and humid all day but the clouds opened up and poured just when it was time to head to the farm and wait for the bus. We waited and waited and waited. The bus came way way later than they told us it would but I am sure it will get quicker. A school full of 1st graders and kindergartners must take a long time to teach how to ride the bus. (Our school district is split up up into many different buildings. The Primary School is K and 1, the Manor School is 2-5, the Middle School is 6-8 and high School is 9-12. There are either 8 or 9 kindergarten classes this year, our district is growing!)

Lucy got off the bus and ran to the van. She said her day was great except that she was wet now. :) Unlike after the last two years of preschool, she was very talkative about school! She told me everything she could remember that they did! I learned about what happened at preschool from her friends. :)

 She had a great day and loved it! The only complaints that she had were that she "only got to draw" in art class, and she was really hungry by lunch time. Lunch is at 11:50 (our normal lunchtime) but there is no morning snack. So that is a tough adjustment for a kid who is used to a full breakfast at the Diner every morning. :) I thought I had probably over packed her lunch but she ate almost all of what I had sent and she said to make her the same big lunch tomorrow. They had quiet rest/reading time in the afternoon and a snack (I sent her grapes which she was happy with).

Last night at bedtime Lucy had a major meltdown, which is pretty unusual for her. This morning she woke up happy and excited when I got her up. She was a little moody after dinner but the day went really well. Tomorrow her specialty class is music and she is excited about it. She is looking forward to having her Spanish class which she will have two days per week. This is Lucy we are talking about so I am pretty sure that she will be excited to go everyday and she will continue to love school. Keep your fingers crossed for me that that statement stays true. ;)

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