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Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's begun

I thought we would be safe until Lucy started preschool, but sadly no. We have entered the phase of life where there are constant runny noses and coughs. :( Freddy is sick again, and this time so am I. Freddy has a, possibly antibiotic resistant, ear infection and he is wheezing, again. He is back on antibiotics and his nebulizer. I have a sinus infection and am on antibiotics too. Fortunately Lucy only seems a tiny bit stuffy. I almost rushed her to the doctor the other day though. She was jumping on the couch (a common activity that is now over) and she fell off and cracked her face on the coffee table. She hit right across her nose, it even bled a tiny bit and I was afraid she broke it. Dave came home and touched it all over and that didn't make her cry so we decided she was just going to look abused. Fortunately she did not get black eyes, just a bruised nose.

On to good news! Despite being sick Freddy has weaned this week! I think his nose was too stuffy to care about trying to nurse. We have switched to long cuddles instead. I am very happy with that! :) Somehow we had gotten down to his nursing just once a day and it would happen between 4 and 5am, so I am really glad to not be getting up.

Freddy has turned into a little boy so suddenly! He is getting close to walking, he plays all kinds of things, he is mischievous, and he LOVES his sister. I think he will start walking to follow her.

Lucy is very 3 these days: very moody. She is loving Franny now though. We can put a lead rope on her and Lucy walks her around the pen. I can't believe how quickly she has adjusted to us! I could write a lot just about Franny but I have limited time so back to Lucy. And just one last thing then I have to go. (Can't be late for Diner time!) We went to the museum of play for Lucy's birthday. She and I went to one of the craft tables they have there and she asked if she could use the scissors. I showed her to use them and now that is all she wants to do. I wish I had thought of getting out scissors sooner!! It kept her busy for an entire hour yesterday!!!!

Freddy is crying so I am done, I'm glad I stole a few minutes to write though. :)

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