Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


School is going great! Lucy LOVES it! Right now they are learning about nature, including how seeds grow, the parts of plants and Lucy's favorite subject, bugs. She has brought home a snail house with a snail and a worm house with a worm, so much for my no bugs in the house rule.

Unfortunately she also brought home a cold already. :( She was sniffing and sneezing for about two days and I was hoping it was just allergies since mine have been really bad. Last night Henry woke up very stuffy though, so I guess it was a cold. My poor little man keeps gagging on mucous and didn't sleep very well. On the subject of sleep, this one is like his sister, he fights falling asleep. Freddy would just pass out anywhere, he was a very laid back baby. (He's making up for that now though! :D)

Well, the big news around here is that tomorrow Freddy is potty training! I am trying to be excited  but I know it is a lot of work. It will be nice to have fewer diapers to change and buy! I am going to be using the method from this book and website:  This is what I basically did with Lucy but after a little while it turned ugly. This woman has ideas to keep it from turning into a power struggle and she offers actual support. When you buy the book you get a password to her forum where you can ask her questions and get help. I asked her one question already and she replied by the next day. I think this will really help me keep my sanity! :) Keep your fingers crossed for me for a few days!

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