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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today is a sad day. We had to have our dog, Mae, put down. Dave took her in to have her leg x-rayed because they thought she tore a ligament in her knee. When they called him they said she has bone cancer. It was progressing quickly, in two weeks she had gone from limping to not walking on her leg at all. It was so hard to decide what to do, we hadn't said goodbye to her because we thought she was coming home this afternoon.

This all happened while Lucy was at school. I pulled it together and picked her up. I told her as soon as we got home that Mae died, and that when she was at the vet they found out that she was very sick on the inside. Lucy and I both cried very very hard. Freddy was the best brother in the whole world! He patted Lucy's back and he went and got her a blanket, then he went back to eating his lunch. I think to help Lucy with the permanence I am going to have her help me pick up all of Mae's things. Although, she does have a pretty good understanding of what dead means since we dealt with Franny dying last summer.

Dave is going to bury Mae next to Franny up at the farm. I guess we have our own pet cemetery there now. In the spring we will have to do a little landscaping and make it a nice spot. Judging by how quickly we have accumulated animals, I'm going to guess we will have lots more pets in our lives.

The other thing I can think to say is that Mae was 9 years old. We adopted her a couple of weeks after our wedding. We will all miss her.


Thea said...

I am so sorry , I have been crying with you. For you , but for the kids. Life is so hard for kids to understand. All I can say is Love you all and take care. Love Grandma, Granny

Unknown said...

You should be very proud of Mae in that she endured the pain and remained a fine pet. I know how much this loss must hurt but I believe the memories will far outweigh the pain. She will always be a part of your lives. Love Grandpa

Bob said...

Mae and I had a special bond as you know. I grieve for you, for Dave, for Lucy and Freddy. We love you and we loved Mae so much.

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